2014 December Minutes

December Meeting Minutes

DATE: Sunday, December 14, 2014 at Graceway Fellowship Hall in Kansas City, Mo.
OPEN: President Cathy Misko called the December Christmas/Fellowship meeting to order at ~3:30 pm. She then apologized to all for the left out ingredient of peanuts in Elden’s Microwave Honey Peanut Brittle recipe in the Newsletter. Cathy M. then asked if Charles and Esther Perrin were present. As they were not, she moved on to ask who has been with the club since before the 1980’s? 1985’s? 1990’s? and 1995’s? Applause. She then requested the Youth Scholarship Students come forward to recite a poem to the Membership, thanking them for the many times/hours/deeds given by all volunteers. Each student read a line or 2 of the poem that follows.
Valuable treasurers like you make us beam.
Outstanding is the help you lent to our team.
Loyal in your tireless efforts all year.
Upbeat and always full of good cheer.
Notable for your compassionate touch.
Thoughtful in ways that mean so much.
Ever prepared with a welcoming smile.
Eager to go the extra mile.
Reaching out to those in need.
Supporting in every work and deed.
THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS. Making a better Tomorrow Today.
Cathy M. stressed the importance of registering in the sign in book at each meeting. This is a Historical record of your attendance for the future as well as the club’s total attendance record. She then asked all Past Lifetime Member Awardees to raise their hands for recognition. Applause. The Lifetime Member Award for 2014 goes to another 20 year member/team, who has served as President, Editor, Beekeeper of the Year and fill in where ever there is a need, Bob and Joyce Justice. Not only Bob J. but Joyce J. also has served with Bob J. and for us and for the state. They received a commemorative plaque and applause. They spoke briefly, thanking for the recognition award.
As the recipients of the next award were not present, the Appreciation Award, will be awarded at the next regular club meeting.
Cathy M. asked for a show of hands for Past recipients of Beekeeper of the Year. Applause. Midwestern Club has countless qualified beekeepers who serve tirelessly without ever focusing on receiving as award. They do what they do because they are passionate about beekeeping and the honey bee. This year’s recipient of the prestigious Copper Smoker as well as a commemorative plaque is Jim and Cindy Connell. Needless to say, they were speechless for the honor bestowed them, but did thank the club for the recognition and promised to display the Smoker only, not use it.
Cathy M. then asked Lauren Collins to come forward for the Honey Queen Scholarship Award. Lauren C. gratefully accepted the award and Cathy M. said Lauren C. would return later in the meeting to sing for us.
Prior to the Officer Installation, Cathy M. had another officer to recognize for her hard work. She asked Laura Fish to come forward to receive the Personal Officer Award. Along with a plaque, Cathy M. expressed her sincere appreciation for all of Laura F.’s hard work this year. Laura F. humbly thanked her for the recognition.
Bob and Joyce J. came up to the mic for the 2015 Officer Installation. Joyce J. asked each officer as their name was called to come forward for the reading of their officer duties and swearing in.
President: Cathy Misko
1st VP/Programs: Laura Fish
2nd VP/Membership: Tanya Fisher
3rd VP/Editor: Janice Britz
Secretary: Cindy Connell
Treasurer: Wes Johnston
Librarian: Tom O’Neill
1st Board Member: Dean Sanders
2nd Board Member: Steve DeCaigney (not present)
3rd Board Member: Terry O’Bryan (not present)
Webmaster: Cheryl Westra
Appointed Officers and Chairs (non voting)
Mo. Beekeepers Assn. Liaison: Dean Sanders
Honey Plants: Tom Britz
Urban Liaison: Ezekiel Amador III (not present)
Youth Scholarship Chairperson: Cathy Misko
Nuc Initiative Chairperson: Stuart Dietz
Hospitality Chairperson: Rick Messenger
All agreed to serve their positions as defined. Joyce J. then asked the membership to accept the responsibility of working with the newly installed officers for the coming year. Membership agreed.
Cathy M. thanked Bob and Joyce J. for doing such a fine job of installation and now that the official part of the meeting was over, we could begin the feasting and fellowship. She asked Bob J. to “give thanks.” Following grace, Lauren C. came to the front and sang “Silent Night” and “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.” All enjoyed Lauren C.’s beautiful singing voice as well as the delicious array of foods brought by club members. Cathy M. left an open mic for any who wanted to share stories to do so.