DYI Instructions and Recipes
- Missouri Honey Sticks
- Making Creamed Honey by Joli Winer and Cecil Sweeney
- DIY Bee Vac Directions (via Beesource.com)
- Nuc Building Instructions -D. Coates via BeeSource.com
- Midwest Plant List
- Emergency Winter Feeding Recipes
Books and Websites
- CAST Commentary- Why does Bee Health Matter
- AgriMissouri Farmers’ Market Handbook
- Xerces.org
- Bug Guide
- Missouri State Fair 2018 and How to Enter
- Missouri State Fair 2018-Vendor input form
- DriftWatch
- FieldWatch-DriftWatch-beecheck
- Prairie Birthday Farm Lists of Books and Websites
Hive Management
- Management of Small Hive Beetles presented by Dennis Culpepper at June 2018 meeting
- On The Spot Queen Rearing 2018 presented by Kyle Day at January 2018 meeting
- Mann Lake Hive-Inspection-Sheet
- Managing Honey Bee Swarms – Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
- Wintering Nucs presentation by Stuart Dietz
- Summer Splits for Overwintering
- Swarm Calendar from Sept. 2014 meeting by Shannon Holcomb
- Life cycle of the Small Hive Beetle
Pests and Diseases
- Managing Small Hive Beetle – University of Arkansas
- Small Hive Beetle Management in Mississippi – Audrey B. Sheridan, Harry Fulton, Jon Zawislak
- Trapping and Control of the Small Hive Beetle, Aethina tumida, an Invasive Parasite of Honey Bees, Apis mellifera – Clemson University
- Handbook of Small Hive Beetle IPM – Dr. Michael Hood, Extension Apiculturist at Clemson University
- Honeybee Diseases and Pests – by Dr. Marla Spivak and Gary S. Reuter, University of Minnesota
- HBHC Guide_Varroa_Interactive_23Sep
- honeybeehealthcoalition.org/varroa-bee-club-program/