The name of this association, a not-for-profit organization, shall be THE MIDWESTERN BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION, Kansas City, Missouri.
Section 1. The objects of the Midwestern Beekeepers Association are:
- A. To promote the general welfare of the beekeeping industry.
- B. To better the standards of beekeeping.
- C. To be a vessel of education to future and established beekeepers.
- D. To secure adequate laws for the protection of beekeeping in its entirety.
Section 2. This Association is organized exclusively for the charitable, scientific or educational purposes within the meaning of the above stated objectives.
The following are basic policies of the Midwestern Beekeepers Association:
- A. The Association shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.
- B. The Association shall work with the state and national beekeeping organizations to promote the beekeeping industry and shall seek to participate in the decision making process establishing beekeeping policy for the betterment of all beekeepers.
- C. No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, directors, officers or other private persons, except that the Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II.
- D. Upon the dissolution of this organization, after paying or adequately providing for debts and obligations of the Association, the remaining assets shall be placed in a trust fund at the University of Missouri at Kansas City (U.M.K.C.) for research in apiculture.
- E. The Association shall keep such permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts and disbursements of the Association, including specifically, the number of its members. Such books of account and records shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by the membership and Executive Board.
- F. This Association shall keep such permanent books of minutes of meetings of the Executive Board, standing committees and general business meetings as shall be sufficient to establish amendments to these Bylaws, the vote for the election of officers and the business policies and activities of this Association.
- G. This Association shall collect dues from its members to provide for its objectives in Article II.
- H. Eligibility for any office shall be restricted to those who paid dues during the preceding year.
- I. In order to vote in any election of officers or in any business or policy issue put to a vote, an individual shall have been a member of this Association for thirty days.
- J. The membership year shall be January 1 through December 31st.
- K. Membership in this Association shall consist of those individuals interested in and/or engaged in the beekeeping industry and have paid annual dues or is a life time member.
- L. Business meetings of this Association shall be at least ten (10) per calendar year. They shall include an agenda as provided by Roberts Rules of Order (revised) and an educational program.
- M. The Bylaws of this Association may be amended only by two-thirds (2⁄3) vote of members present at a regular meeting of the Association, provided members present are not less than ten (10). Announcement of this meeting and the proposed change must be published in the newsletter thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.
- N. The rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order (revised) shall govern this Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws.
Section 1: Each officer shall be a member of the Midwestern Beekeepers Association.
Section 2: The officers of this Association shall consist of a president, first vice president, second vice president, third vice president, secretary, treasurer, librarian, webmaster/social media, auditor and three directors. These offices shall make up the Executive Board of this Association.
- A. Tenure of term of each office shall be for one (1) year except for the Directors which shall be for three (3) years, one Director being elected each year.
- B. Officers shall be elected by ballot in the month of November. However, if there is but one nominee for any office, election for that office may be by voice vote.
- C. In order to qualify for the office of president, the nominee shall have been an active member for at least one (1) year.
- D. Candidates for office shall be placed in nomination by the Nominating Committee.
Section 3: Nominating Committee
- A. There shall be a Nominating Committee composed of at least three (3) members elected by the Membership at the August meeting of each year.
- B. The Nominating committee shall nominate an eligible person for each office to be filled and report its nominees at the regular meeting in October each year.
- C. These nominees shall be from the Membership in good standing and chosen for their qualities and abilities to lead the Association.
- D. Only those who have signified their consent to serve, if elected, shall be nominated for or elected to such office.
- E. Additional nominations to those offered by the Nominating Committee are to be called for from the floor in the October meeting.
Section 4: A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the Executive Board, notice of such election having been given. In case a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the First Vice President shall serve notice of the election.
Section 5: Installation of officers shall be held in December of each year. In case the December meeting is cancelled, the installation of officers will be at the beginning of the first meeting to be held in the new year.
Section 6: Chairs of Standing Committees shall have a voice and vote at Board Meetings.
Section 1: The President shall
- A. preside at all meetings of the Association;
- B. coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the Association in order that the objects may be promoted;
- C. decide all question of order according to the Bylaws of the Association and in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order (revised);
- D. appoint all committees as provided in the Bylaws or as requested by the Association at any regular meeting;
- E. and perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these Bylaws or assigned by the Association.
Section 2: The First Vice President shall
- A. occupy the chair in the absence of the President;
- B. perform the duties of the President upon the request of the President or in his/her absence.
- C. and serve as Program Chairperson.
Section 3: The Second Vice President shall
- A. perform the duties of the President or First Vice President in the absence or inability of
- those officers to act;
- B. serve the President and Association as requested;
- C. and serve as Membership Chairperson.
Section 4: The Third Vice President shall
- A. serve the Association and President as requested;
- B. serve as chairperson of the Publicity Committee, producing and mailing a monthly newsletter for the benefit of the Association members and for the publication of the business of the Association as prescribed in these Bylaws.
Section 5: The Secretary shall
- A. record the business transactions, votes and elections of all meetings, including each meeting’s agenda;
- B. keep a record of members and their addresses;
- C. transmit all records, documents and roster of Association members to his/her successor in office;
- D. to conduct correspondence of the Association;
- E. and file and preserve all papers belonging to the Association.
Section 6: The Treasurer shall
- A. act as financial officer of this Association having custody of all funds;
- B. keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures and be responsible for the maintenance of books;
- C. make disbursements as authorized by the President, Executive Board or Association in accordance with the budget adopted by the Association;
- D. present a financial statement at every meeting of the Association and at other times when requested by the Executive Board;
- E. have accounts examined annually or upon change of officer by an auditor or an auditing committee who, satisfied that the treasurer’s annual report is correct shall sign a statement of that fact at the end of the report;
- F. and present the Association’s financial records to the elected auditor and/or committee at the close of the December meeting each year.
Section 7: The Librarian shall
- A. record in a permanent record all books, periodicals, video and audio tapes of the Association;
- B. keep a record of same loaned to members;
- C. and recommend to Executive Board such additions to the library as deemed advisable.
Section 8: The Directors shall
- A. be members of the Executive Board;
- B. help execute all matters of the Executive Board;
- C. and use their experience and expertise to set policies of this Association to review policy and amendment changes presented by the membership.
- A. audit the books of the Secretary and Treasurer after the December meeting, and before the next meeting of the new year;
- B. submit the report and findings to the membership of the Association;
- C. supply a written report of the findings to the President, Secretary and to the Treasurer for their permanent records;
- D. sign the annual auditor’s report indicating the books and records are in proper order thus releasing the Secretary and Treasurer;
- E. report any improper findings to the President and to the officer involved and to the Membership at a regular meeting with indication of actions taken to correct impropriety.
Section 10: All Officers shall
- A. perform duties prescribed in the parliamentary authority, in addition to those outlined in these Bylaws and those assigned from time to time;
- B. deliver to their successors all official material not later than ten (10) days after their successors assume office;
- C. and take the office they were elected to January 1st of the new year.
Section 11: The Webmaster / Social Media
- A. Shall be responsible for the Club’s website including the Club’s domain name.
- B. Shall host of the Club’s website, the content development and ongoing updating of the website.
- C. Shall work with the collaboration of the Publicity Committee.
- D. Shall work with the collaboration of the President.
- E. Shall serve for a period of 1 year.
- F. Where possible and when necessary, the webmaster will enable the President and a designated member of the Executive Board to access Club’s website directly.
ARTICLE VI: THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1: The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Librarian, Webmaster and the Directors of this Association.
Section 2: The out going president shall be an exofficio member of the Executive Board.
Section 3: The President shall be chairperson of the Executive Board.
Section 4: Duties of the Executive Board:
- A. To review and recommend to the President, questions on policy and Association activities.
- B. To receive recommendations from members for proposed activities, policy changes, and/or amendments to these Bylaws. The Board shall recommend to the Association their endorsement or rejection of each recommendation within 60 days of receiving same from the Association.
- C. All recommendations for policy changes and amendments to these Bylaws must be presented to the Executive Board for their research and recommendation of endorsement or rejections before being presented to the Association for a vote.
- D. To create an annual budget of the Association according to the purposes, objectives and basic policies of the Association as stated in these Bylaws.
- E. To present the annual budget to the Association for a vote of adoption for the current fiscal year.
- F. The budget is to be created by the new executive in October after being elected and presented to Association after their installation at the December meeting.
- A. Shall be a body of three members or more (if in odd numbers) elected by the Membership at the July meeting of each year.
- B. Shall report their nominations for the offices of the Association at the October meeting of each year.
- C. Shall keep their meetings confidential.
- D. Is the only committee that the President is not an ex-officio member of.
Section 2: Membership Committee
- A. Shall be a committee of three or more members appointed by the Executive Board.
- B. Have as its chairperson the Second Vice President.
- C. Serve for a period of one year.
- D. Be responsible for recruiting members to the Association and for keeping a record of Association members and their addresses.
- E. Shall regularly submit to the Secretary, and Third Vice President an amended list of the membership.
Section 3: Publicity Committee
- A. Shall be a body of three members, the chairperson being the third Vice President of the Association.
- B. The chairperson of this committee shall be the editor of the monthly newsletter.
- C. The members shall be appointed by the Executive Board and serve for one year.
- D. Shall be responsible to the Executive Board.
- E. Shall maintain a mailing list for the newsletter.
- F. Shall publicize dates of regular meetings and special meetings, recommendations of policy and amendment changes; produce educational articles in accordance with the basic policies and objectives of this Association; and publish any applicable news or reports of other committees.
- A. Shall be constituted of members interested in developing nectar yielding plants and trees for improvement of bee pasture, conservation of soils, preservation of wild life and beautification of landscapes, to encourage communities and various governmental agencies to make increased plantings of nectar yielding plants and trees.
- B. The President shall be a member of this committee and shall appoint this committee’s chairperson.
Section 5: State Liaison
- A. Shall be responsible to attend State Meetings and relay important beekeeping information to our association through updates by Missouri State Beekeepers Association.
- B. Shall facilitate volunteers for the delivery and return of member’s entries at club’s
- “Honey Show” to the State Fair in a safe and timely manner.
- C. Shall organize our club’s volunteers to work the Missouri State Fair Honey Booth by
- providing basic information such as maps of location, where to obtain fair tickets, time of shift, and expected responsibilities, all to enhance association member’s beekeeping experience and community outreach.
- D. The President shall be a member of this committee and the Executive Board shall appoint this committee’s chairperson.
Section 6: Youth Scholarship Program Committee
- A. Shall set yearly scholarship budget.
- B. Shall determine awards.
- C. Shall determine recipients.
- D. Shall fundraise for program.
- E. Shall consist of all officers, standing committee chairs, invited members deemed an asset, and the President shall be a member of this committee.
- F. The Executive Board shall appoint this committee’s chairperson.
- G. The Chair shall be appointed in October of preceding year.
Section 1: Membership in this Association shall consist of those interested in or engaged in the beekeeping industry and paying dues as provided in these Bylaws.
Section 2: The membership year shall be January 1 through December 31st.
Section 4: Membership is mandatory for any individual seeking office in this Association.
Section 5: Membership allows an individual the privilege
- A. to vote in any election;
- B. of recommending policy and amendment changes;
- C. of borrowing literature from the library;
- D. of recommending Association activities;
- E. of holding office;
- F. and of receiving the Association’s newsletter.
Section 6: Membership dues shall be
- A. $1.00 per year for student members. Student being any individual still in school and/or college.
- B. $200.00 for any individual wishing to be a lifetime member.
- C. in an amount to support the annual budget of this Association for regular membership.
Section 7: All dues are payable January 1st of each year.
Section 1: The Executive Board shall consider and select as agreeable a member to receive a Lifetime Membership Award and a member to receive a Beekeeper of the Year Award.
Section 2: Lifetime Membership Award
- A. This award shall go to an individual who has been a member of this Association for at least twenty years and has paid dues in at least 15 of the last twenty years.
- B. The member selected for this award shall have the following attributes:
- a. Do the most to promote the art of beekeeping.
- b. Promote the Association.
- c. Promote Membership in the Association.
- d. Publicize beekeeping and to introduce the art of beekeeping to prospective future beekeepers.
Section 3: Beekeeper of the Year Award
- A. This award shall be given to an Association Member with the following attributes:
- a. Do the most to promote the art of beekeeping.
- b. Promote the Association.
- c. Promote Membership in the Association.
- d. Publicize beekeeping and to introduce the art of beekeeping to prospective future beekeepers.
- B. The recipient of the award shall not be eligible to receive the award again for ten (10) years.
Section 4: The Executive Board shall report their selection of these awards and present the awards at the December meeting of each year.
Section 5: These awards are not obligated to be given annually if members cannot be found with the above described attributes.
Section 1: The MIDWESTERN BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION may dissolve in the following manner:
- A. The Executive Board shall adopt a resolution recommending that the Association be dissolved and directing that the question of such dissolution be submitted to a vote at a special meeting of members having voting rights.
- B. A written or printed notice stating that the purpose of such meeting is to consider the advisability of dissolving the Association shall be given each member entitled to vote at such meeting at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of such meeting.
- C. Written notice of the adoption of such resolution, accompanied by a copy of the notice of the special meeting of members, shall be given to the President of the Association.
(FOOTNOTE: these Bylaws were revised by the 1998 Executive Board. The original 1954 “Constitution and Bylaws” of the Association to the last amended “Constitution and Bylaws” in 1992 were used by the Board to author this revised edition. Changes and additions were made to reflect the present day policies and management of the Midwestern Beekeepers Association. PLEASE READ THESE CAREFULLY SO THAT YOU MAY VOTE INFORMATIVELY.)