Local Resources and Suppliers
Get information on becoming a member of the Missouri State Beekeepers Association by clicking here.
City Codes of Ordinances
Always verify that that the code of importance is up to date. Homeowners Associations may also have covenants regarding beekeeping. http://www.municode.com/Library
Other Beekeeping Organizations
Beekeepers.com is your local Kansas City Bee Company. We carry a full line of Beekeeping Supplies, Bees and Queens. Visit our web site Beekeepers.com for your all your beekeeping supplies. Go to our Web Site BeePackages.com to order your Bee Packages and QueenBees.com to order your Queens. We are available by appointment Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00 and weekends. Robert Hughes, 12333 Wedd Street, Overland Park, KS 66213, 913-681-5777 or email RobertLHughes2000@yahoo.com
We carry a full line of beekeeping supplies. Bee hives, supers, frames, foundation, honey containers, smokers, beekeeping books, queens, packaged bees and much more. We are available by appointment Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00 and weekends. Please call in advance so we can have your supplies ready when you arrive. Robert Hughes 12333 Wedd Street, Overland Park, KS 66213 (913)681-5777
Open by appointment most days. Store is located on our farm; early, late and weekend hours are available. Packaged bees and NUCs available in the spring. Locally manufactured high quality woodenware in stock. We offer a complete line of beekeeping supplies and equipment. Including: Woodenware (assembly and painting available), frames, foundation, smokers, tools, bee suits, Bug Bafflers, veils, books, feed supplements, honey containers, extracting equipment, NUC boxes, materials to build your own hives (lumber, hardware cloth,etc.) Bill and Tammy George 19133 LIV 355, Chillicothe, MO 64601, (660)214-0132 www.chbeekeeping.com
We offer fast and courteous service to all beekeepers. We sell bee pollen and honey for those who run short. Order is shipped the same day as received in most cases. Free catalog available on request. Pick up orders at our warehouse must be pre-ordered and picked up by appointment only Business hours: Mon.-Thur. 8-5; closed from 12-1. Brenda and Larry Draper DRAPER’S SUPER BEE 914 S St. Auburn NE 68305 (402) 274-3725
Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm Saturdays after 8:30 am Call in advance to make sure we are here. We carry a complete line of beekeeping supplies. See us for your woodenware, smokers, containers, foundation, extractors, beekeeping books, queens and package bees. We also have extractors for rent. We will trade your wax for supplies. ED FISHER 4005 N.E. 132nd Street, Smithville MO 64089 (816) 532-4698
HERC-U-LIFTS of Macon, Missouri
Manufacturer of the HERC-U-LIFT bee hive lift. for more information, visit their website, www.HERC-U-LIFTS.com
Do you need your honey supers extracted? If so, contact Jim Fisher (816) 918-6648 for custom extracting.
“VSH” Mated Queens will be available beginning Mid-June. Queen cells may be available, based on scheduling. Contact by email for futher information.bikenbees@yahoo.com