Midwestern Beekeeper’s Association
June Meeting Minutes
DATE: Thursday, June 19, 2014 at Graceway Fellowship Hall in Kansas City, Mo.
OPEN: President Cathy Misko called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. She welcomed all to the 2014 Beekeeping Revolution and gave a big thanks to Andrea Grimwood and Terry O’Bryan for our new meeting venue, Graceway Fellowship Hall, and reminded everyone to park on the West side and use the Main Entrance. The wheel chair and drop off access is on the South. Cathy M. thanked all who are donating to the REAP (Raytown Emergency Assistance Program), “Like the bees, we too share our harvest with others”.
Cathy M. asked if there were any new Members and/or anyone here for the first time. She then requested for a show of hands if their bees were putting up honey and asked how many supers per colony. Some members reported having 5 supers on. She then invited all to take a few minutes to introduce themselves to their neighbor and as this is National Pollinator Week.. to share the name of their favorite pollinator plant or a plant you think your bees are loving.
INTRODUCTION OF OFFICERS/CHAIRS AND REPORTS: Cathy M. asked if any corrections needed to be made to the May minutes posted online. No Corrections, May minutes filed as posted. Be sure and check out the monthly club minutes posted on our website @midwesternbeekeepers.org
Secretary: Cindy Connell back at the registration table and passing out door prize tickets. Be sure and check out the monthly club minutes posted on our website @midwesternbeekeepers.org.
Membership: Tanya Fisher also at the back table taking new and renewal Membership dues. Tanya F. announced if you haven’t signed up to receive your Newsletter, “The Bee Line”, via E-mail, to be sure and do so on the list at the back table.
Webmaster: Cheryl Westra was not present, but Cathy M. reported she is still able to keep up with our new Web Site, the Midwestern Beekeepers Association Facebook page and Twitter while she is out on the East Coast. Good job Cheryl W.
Programs: Laura Fish, who is professional and has vision to bring monthly excellent and interesting programs.
Auditor: Robert Burns, (not here).
Librarian: Tom O’Neill, reported the new addition to the library this month is, Silent Spring, written by Rachel Carson. Tom O. said that although it was not a new book (1962), it went along with the GMO and pesticide talk we had last month, showing that history does indeed repeat itself.
Board Members: 1st Phill Levi, 2nd Terry O’Bryan, 3rd Ed Fisher.
Honey Plants Chair: Tom Britz, reported lots of honey plants blooming right now, mentioning milkweed and elderberry to name a few. Refer to his article in the newsletter .
State Liaison Chair: Dean Sanders, who reminded everyone the State Fair dates are August 7-17, 2014. He forgot to bring his volunteer signup sheet tonight, but would bring it next meeting. If you want a certain day or time, you could call him and sign up over the phone.
Urban Liaison Chair: Ezekiel Amador(not present).
Treasurer: Wes Johnston, read the Treasurer’s report. Filed as read. Refer to attachment.
Cathy M. stated that all of these Officers and Directors are here to answer any of your questions. At the back table are membership renewals, name tag orders for $8.00, packages of bee flowers and sign up lists to receive the newsletter by Email, Volunteer Mentor, and Swarm list. Cathy M. encouraged everyone to sign up if possible. No other unfinished business.
NEW BUSINESS: Cathy M. announced that the back table had a variety of fliers to sort through with information of upcoming events and information. We need to have a couple more names on the name tag list in order to process.
Dates to Remember:
July 19, 2014: Amanda Tooney, mustardseedle.org, is still needing someone who would be interested in giving a short “Bee” program in Lee’s Summit, Saturday the 19th after the Parade.
June 21, 2014: Midwestern Beekeepers will have a display table set up at Powell Gardens for their National Pollinator Week observance, from 11:00 to 2:00. Members were encouraged to come out and join in the festivities.
August 3, 2014: Cathy M. suggested it’s not too early to get ready for the August Auction and Picnic Potluck.
Cathy M. mentioned she had been contacted about a swarm in Independence. For more info, talk to Cathy M.
Hector Autry, requested any beekeepers that were using Top Bar Hives, to speak with him after the meeting tonight.
Cathy M. reminded all we have a variety of Queen Bees we are raffling off tonight at $1 a ticket. These Queens will not be in until Friday and delivery will be arranged with the winners. She discussed the fact that bees do not read our beekeeping books and sometimes we need to use a “Safety Net” when needing a Queen. She suggested giving the bees some fresh eggs to work on while you are waiting for your new Queen. This can detour drone layers and you may end up with an awesome Queen anyway. There was also some discussion about supers and small hive beetle problems. We are continuing to sell raffle ticket at $1 a ticket, for the Youth Scholarship Program, which will be drawn at our picnic on Sunday, August 3 ,2014. The items being raffled off are : a framed Bee on Flower picture donated by Bobbie Walker, a Complete Woodenware Hive donated by Heartland, and a Year Family Membership to Powell Garden. May’s Silent Auction brought in $620 for the Youth Scholarship Program. We awarded 9 Youth Scholarships earlier this year at $500 each. These recipients are future beekeepers, scientists, commercial business owners, mentors and maybe food suppliers. Big hand for a successful Auction.
Cathy M. then turned the floor over to Laura F. for tonight’s programs.
The first presentation was from Michael Stauffer, who shared an article he found in a travel magazine about the hunt for honey in Marrakech. After his reading, Laura F. told members that anyone wanting to share articles with the members to contact her.
The second part of the program tonight was presented by Linda Hezel, who owns Prairie Birthday Farm in Clay County. Her power point titled, “ Musings from a Humble Bee Hostess,” was inspirational as well as educational about producing healthy food and protecting humans as well as the planet. Questions were answered during and after the program.
The final program tonight was given by Jim and Cindy Connell on Extracting Honey. Their demonstration regarding the technique and equipment needed to extract the sweet treat from the supers, was aimed at helping new beekeepers get ready for this aspect of beekeeping. Questions were answered during and after the program.
Laura F. then gave the floor back to Cathy M. who thanked all the presenters and shared how important the monthly educational programs are.
Another announcement from the floor: Bennette Dibben is hosting “Swarm Kansas City, Mo to Save the Bees on August 16, 2014. Bennette D. shared some insight about the event and said for more information go to Facebook/MOfoodforamerica concerning Amend#1.
Cathy M. then asked State Honey Queen Lauren Collins, to come up front and assist her with drawing winning raffle tickets for the Queens. Following the Queen Bee raffle, door prize tickets were drawn. In honor of National Pollinator Week, Cathy M. brought an Elderberry Bush as one of the door prizes. She thanked everyone for helping with setting up and tearing down, “You are a wonderful Hive of Folks”.
Meeting adjourned.