March 30, 2014 at Bass Pro in Independence, Mo.
Call to order: Cathy Misko called the informal meeting open at 2:35.
Attendance: 87
She announced to those wanting to become a member of our club to see Tanya Fisher, our Membership Officer in the back of the room. Also Wanda Johnston, at the back table, had packets of flower seeds for sale with proceeds going to the Youth Scholarship Program. The back table had a variety of flyers and brochures available, including hive inspection sheets and plant information for attendees to take if interested. Cathy M. also announced that beginning Thursday, April 17th at 7:00, our meeting place will be held at Graceway Fellowship Hall, 5460 Blue Ridge Cutoff, Kansas City, Mo.
Cathy M. then asked for a show of hands for the following: How many here are already club members? How many here a new members? How many members attended the beekeeping class? How many attended the Mo Beekeepers state meeting?
Then she introduced Laura Fish, our Program Officer, with today’s special program,Capturing Feral Bees. Laura F. introduced Bob Brammer, who is known throughout North Central Mo as the man to call when a bee swarm is found. He educated attendees on how/why/common locations/ and techniques to catch a swarm. Informed members about questions to ask when receiving a bee call and listed some useful items to assist with catching a swarm. He informed us of people who should know you collect bees such as Emergency personnel, Conservation Department, loggers and tree trimmers to name a few. Bob B.’s presentation was entertaining as well with personal swarm capture stories. He ended his talk with a question and answer session as well as a slide show. Bob B.invited those interested to come up after the meeting and they could view his swarm gathering devices and beekeeping equipment and he would continue to answer questions and/or demonstrate how the devices worked.
Laura F. thanked him for the educational and informative program.
Cathy M. thanked both Laura F. and Bob B. and adjourned the meeting at 3:45.
Don’t forget April’s regular meeting is Thursday the 17th at 7:00 at Graceway Fellowship Hall. See you there.
Secretary ____________________________Date_______________