Midwestern Beekeepers Association
October Meeting Minutes
Date: October 15, 2015 at Graceway Fellowship Hall in Kansas City, Mo.
Attendance: 56
Open: President, Cathy Misko reminded everyone that at this time last year we were chanting “Go Royals”, and here we are chanting it again. She welcomed all and asked for a show of hands for first time attendees, then new members. Welcome. Directions were given for men/women’s facilities and thanks given to all who brought REAP donations. Thanksgiving is next month, so let’s fill up our barrel. Attendees were asked to raise their hand if they are planning to attend our Mo State Meeting this weekend to hear Michael Bush. Introduce yourself to your neighbor and share what you are doing with your bees.
All club Officers were asked to stand and/or raise their hand to identify to new attendees. Asked if there were any corrections to be made to the September online minutes. No corrections needed. They will be filed as posted.
Librarian, Tom O’Neill reported a new addition to the MBA library titled “Top Bar Hive Beekeeping Wisdom and Pleasure Combined” by Wyatt A. Mangum PhD. Discussion.
Honey Plants Chairperson, Tom Britz named off numerous sources of bee food were blooming at present. Purple Aster, Goldenrod, White Dutch Clover, Russian Sage, and Smart Weed to name a few.
No unfinished Business to report. Reminded attendees to check out lists and flyers/brochures at back table.
New Business/Announcements:
Nominating Committee Announcement: Bob Williams read the committee’s suggestions for MBA Board of Director’s for 2016:
President: Bob Williams
1st Vice President/Programs: Tom Britz
2nd Vice President/Membership: Wanda Johnston
3rd Vice President/Publicity/Editor: Janice Britz
Secretary: Cindy Connell
Treasurer: Wes Johnston
Auditor: open
1st Board Member: Laura Fish
2nd Board Member: Dean Sanders
3rd Board Member: Steve DeCaigney
Librarian: Tom O’Neill
Webmaster/Social Media: Michelle Williams
Honey Plants: Angela Summers
Motion to accept the Nominating Commitees’s nominations made by Terry O’Bryan. 2nd Laura F. All in favor/opposed. Motion passed
Cathy M. then asked if there were any nominations from the floor. None.
Thursday, November 5, 2015: Monthly Value Added Meeting at Bass Pro at 7:00pm. Nuc and Mature Colonies Fall/Winter Prep followed by Personal 2015 Nuc Experiences and Future Plans.
January 7-9, 2016: Great Plains Growers Conference in St. Joseph, Mo with Dr. Lawrence Conner speaking on queen rearing.
March 12, 2016: 21st Annual Beginning Beekeeping Workshop at Lakewood Oaks Golf Club in Lee’s Summit, Mo.
Youth Scholarship Awards: Applications are now being taken for the Youth
Prior to tonight’s program, Cathy M. asked if anyone had brought in honey to be tested. None. With no more announcements from the floor she gave the mic to Laura F.
Laura F. announced the first speaker tonight was Holly Grimwood speaking about REAP(Raytown Emergency Assistance Program). She wanted to take a few minutes to share with the MBA how our donations have helped families in the Raytown Community and thank everyone for their generosity. Thank you Holly G.
Laura F. introduced the next speaker, Bob Harrison with his program titled “50 years Amongst the Bees.” He shared his vast knowledge and experiences of beekeeping of the past 40+ years with all including antique equipment/books to pass around. Questions answered following program. Thank you Bob H.
With no more questions, door prizes were drawn and Cathy M. reminded all to check their bees and make sure they are healthy going into the winter. Thanks given to all who assisted with room setup and take down.