2013 April Minutes

DATE:   Thursday, April 18,2013, 7:00pm at Bass Pro Shop in Independence.
OPEN:  President Cathy Misko, called the meeting to order with thanks going to Dean Sanders and Ron Vivian for picking up the purchased chairs for our club and Cindy Connell for assisting cleaning them.   Hopefully this will assure everyone has a seat at future meetings for our expanding Club membership.  Cathy asked everyone to introduce themselves to their neighbor, tell them if they were a new beekeeper or considering beekeeping and/or how many hives they keep as an established beekeeper.
She then introduced Allison Hibbett and Dan Anderson winners of the hive bodies and bees at the Beginning Beekeeper Workshop.
SECRETARY:  Cindy Connell at the back table, passing out door prize tickets. Cathy  reminded members and guests we are still working on getting the Monthly Meeting Minutes posted on our website @ midwesternbeekeepers.org.
TREASURER’S REPORT:   Presented and filed per Ron Vivian.   Moved and seconded to approve as read.  Motion carried.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT: New members this meeting:  John Bestor of Belton, Mo; Scott Simpson of Kearney, Mo;  Hector Autry of Norborne, Mo;  Tim Sevart of Buckner, Mo per Tanya Fisher.  She is taking membership renewals and name tag orders at the back table.
EDITOR:  Joli Winer announced Fun Day, June 1st.  Flyers on back table.
LIBRARY REPORT:  Tom O’Neill reported 4 new Bee Books available for members to check out.  Honey Bees and Beekeeping, Guideline from the Beginning Beekeeping Workshop.  Beekeepers  Handbook , (Latest Edition) provided by Joli Winer and Cecil Sweeney.  Backyard Bees and Honey, (100 pages A-Z Beekeeping) by Joe Stamper.  The Classroom,(question and answer format) provided by Tom O’Neill.
HONEY PLANTS:  Thanks goes to Tom Britz, Honey Plant Chair, for providing the club with an opportunity to purchase the rare BeeBee Trees at the back of the room tonight.  Donations collected will go to the Scholarship Fund.
OTHER INTRODUCTIONS:  Robert Burns, Auditor; Phil Levi, Monthly Programs;Terry O’Bryan, 1st Board Member; Ed Fisher, 2nd Board Member; Jim Fisher, 3rdBoard Member; Dean Sanders, State Liaison Chair and Andy Nowachek, Past President.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  We are continuing to take Name Tag orders.
NEW BUSINESS: * BeeBee Tree sales tonight with donations  going to the Youth Scholarship Fund.
*Fun Day June 1st in Lawerence, Ks.  announcement.
*Date change for the May meeting to be May 22nd,  7:00,  on a Wednesday,  held in the Conservation Room at Bass Pro.  We will hold a mini auction of new and/or gently used equipment with donations collected to go to the Youth Scholarship Fund.  Contact Cathy with items for Newsletter or just bring to the meeting.
OTHER BUSINESS:  Cathy introduced Jessica Axton and Scholarship Recipients Grace Sanders and Lauren Collins  and thanked them for the Youth Out Reach program they presented at Powell Garden.
PROGRAM:  With no other announcements, Phil Levi introduced Cecil Sweeney as our guest speaker this evening.  His program was on “ Package Bee Installation and  Spring Management including Hive Splits or Nucs”.  Cecil’s beekeeping knowledge is outstanding and very helpful for new and established Beekeepers.  A question and answer period followed the program.  Thank You Cecil.
CLOSE:  Before closing the meeting Cathy ‘s Bee Trivia this month:  How manybees in a pound?   Answer:  3500.  Cathy’s challenge:  The US Military has researched the bee’s ability to “sniff” out explosives.  She challenged attendees to research this information to find out how far is it that bees can detect odors (wind excluded).  E-mail Cathy with your answer and the resource.
Meeting adjourned following door prizes at 8:30.