DATE: Sunday, December 15, 2013 at 2:30 at Bass Pro in Independence, Mo.
OPEN: President Cathy Misko, called the meeting to at 2:36 and welcomed all, especially new members and/or first time attendees. Cathy asked everyone to introduce themselves to their neighbor tell them when they got their 1st bee hive or when they plan to get them.
As there was our Holiday meeting and with an extensive agenda setup for this meeting, Cathy said we should get right to Business. She asked if there were any corrections to be made to the posted online November Minutes. With no corrections necessary the minutes were accepted as posted. Don’t forget to review the minutes each month on our website @
She then asked Ron Vivian,to present the Treasurer’s report. As Ron was not present at the November Meeting, he read both November and December Treasurer reports. No corrections necessary and both Treasurer reports were filed as presented .
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Cathy reminded everyone that it was time to renew membership and could take care of that at the back table with Tanya Fisher. Mentioned back table bargains: Name tags, Bee Pins, and calendars available also at the back table. Cathy reminded attendees that our Librarian, Tom O’Neill, would not be bringing in the assortment of Education Books and DVD’s as usual secondary to a severe ankle injury, but you could still turn in books or place a book request to be brought in at the next meeting. Tom then spoke up and said the club had purchased “Queen Rearing Essentials”, by Dr. Larry Connor at the October meeting for our Library.
NEW BUSINESS: Cathy started the New business with some dates to remember:
January 9-12, 2014- Great Plains Growers Conference & Trade show with Dr. Ross Conrad, addressing Natural Beekeeping.
January 12, 2014- Midwestern Beekeepers Meeting with our guest speaker being Dr. Ross Conrad in addition to Grace Sanders Scholarship Student giving a presentation .
February 8, 2014- Eastern Mo beekeepers presentation of an Advanced Course withJennifer Berry. More information about that at the back table.
She reminded everyone to read the Newsletter or more upcoming events.
Cathy announced that Ami Zumult, of Certified Organic Red Ridge Farms, Odessa, Mo (10 acres/3 acres produce, clover ground cover) is looking for a beekeeper to place hives. For more information contact Cathy.
In further New Business, Cathy asked if members had reviewed the Bylaws Amendment, from the last meeting. At this time, she asked for a motion to accept them as posted. Bob Justice,made the motion and Elden Arnold seconded. With no discussion brought up, Cathy asked for a vote to approve/disapprove. None opposed, Motion carried for the 2013Bylaw Amendments to be approved as posted.
Lifetime Member award presentation to Steve Moeller by Phill Levi and Cathy Misko. Steve has been a member for 30 years, has served as our secretary and now promotes our association through the service of Secretary for the Mo State Beekeepers. He received a plaque, name badge pin and free membership from now on. He then spoke to the club about, What Can the Missouri State Beekeepers Do For Me? Both interesting and entertaining. Thank you Steve.
Presentation of 2013 Beekeeper of the Year award to Tom O’Neill by Phill Levi and Cathy Misko. Tom has been a beekeeper at least since 12 years old and has served our association 3 years as Librarian. He has given multiple interviews, a guest teacher, mentors adults and students alike, rescues the US Air Force from swarms and has been on TV promoting the association and beekeeping. Tom received a plaque as well as the ‘famous’ Copper Smoker. All recipients names are inscribed on a plaque inside the Smoker on which the first name inscribed was in 1962. Cathy asked for a show of hands of past recipients of the Beekeeper of the year award.
Installation of 2014 Officers by Joyce and Bob Justice and Dolores Vivian: As the 2014 Officers names were read, they were asked to come up to the front while a description of their jobs was given. Members were then asked if they approved the Officers standing before them. None opposed. An oath of office was read with the Officers agreeing to follow. An oath of agreeing to follow the leadership of the Officers was read with club members agreeing to do so. Phill Levi then encouraged all club members to pursue offices in the future. Joli Winer, questioned if the club had actually voted on Cheryl Westera being the Webmaster/Social Media Officer. Cathy asked for Cheryl to stand and called for a vote for those in favor of Cheryl serving as Webmaster to raise their right hand. None opposed. Applause was given.
Cathy then spoke of a children’s book about honey bees and hope titled, Sophia Bee, Believe, by N. J. Selsor from St. Louis, Mo. This lead into the introduction of Ron and Dolores Vivian’s recognition award for years of dedication and service to our club. Ron served 27 consecutive years as our club Treasurer with Dolores always standing with him to provide support and encouragement. Phill presented Ron with a plaque and Cathypresented them both with matching jackets complete with embroidered logos of Midwestern Beekeepers and their own logo of Honeybrook Farm. Lauren Collins, Mo State Honey Queen then read a poem in honor of Ron and Dolores.
With awards and installation taken care of Lauren Collins gave “Thanks”.
Cathy then asked all past Presidents to raise their hands and be recognized. She pointed out the lovely cakes designed with bees and beekeeping in mind and thanked everyone who brought honey treats/appetizers and recipes. The Board Members provided meat, bread and drink for fellowship and all were invited to help themselves. The microphone was left open while we ate, for attendees to question, share memorable stories (especially about Ron Vivian) or learned mistakes and experiences with all. After awhile door prizes were drawn with Cathy thanking all the door prize suppliers and all the help preparing and returning the room to order.
Meeting adjourned.