DATE: Wednesday, October 16,2013 at 7:00 at Masonic Hall in Lee’s Summit, Mo.
OPEN: President Cathy Misko, called the meeting to order and asked everyone to introduce themselves to their neighbor and share if you did a sugar roll test, the results and if your bees need feed. Is there anyone here for the first time and/or any new members. Welcome. Also welcome to other clubs attending tonight, Golden Valley Beekeepers, Bee Buster in St. Joseph, North Central Missouri Beekeepers in Macon, and the Northeast Kansas Beekeepers. Cathy then proceeded to introduce club Officers.
SECRETARY: Cindy Connell at the back table, passing out door prize tickets. Cathy asked if there were any corrections to the on-line September Minutes. With no corrections needed she asked for a motion to approve club Minutes as posted. Motion made and seconded. September Minutes approved as posted. Be sure and review the Club Minutes posted on our website @
TREASURER’S REPORT: Presented and filed both September and October Treasurers Reports per Ron Vivian. Motion made and seconded to approve the report as read.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Tanya Fisher filed 1 new member, Lowell Augenstine of Independence, Mo.
PUBLICITY COMMITTEE CHAIR/EDITOR: Joli Winer, Editor of our club newsletter , “The Bee Line”.
LIBRARY REPORT: Tom O’Neill reported 2 new additions to our library this month. A book,Honey and Dust by Piers Moore Ede and donated by Tom O’neill and a DVD titled Bee Removal and Honey Crop donated by Rick Messenger.
HONEY PLANTS: Tom Britz, Honey Plant Chair, reported flowers are about done. Please refer to his Honey Plant article in the “Bee Line”. It’s very informative and well worth reading.
OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: Robert Burns, Auditor; Phill Levi, Monthly Programs; Terry O’Bryan (not present), 1st Board Member; Ed Fisher, 2nd Board Member; Jim Fisher, 3rdBoard Member; Dean Sanders, State Liaison Chair; and Andy Nowachek, Past President.Cathy asked for a show of hands of those hoping to attend the State Meeting in the Ozarks, Oct. 25 – 26. She reported it’s not too late to register and it would be a gorgeous drive.
NEW BUSINESS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cathy introduced Miss Erin Mullins our 2014 Missouri State Honey Princess from Bee Busters in St. Joseph.
Cathy announced that the club Secretary had visited Powell Gardens and took a picture of “Spud the Beekeeper” the students Beekeeping Scarecrow. The picture is back at the registration table. During the month of Oct., the public votes on their favorite scarecrow at the Garden. Of course Cathy’s favorite scarecrow was “Spud”.
Cathy asked the Chair of the Nominating Committee, Tom O’Neill , to share the list of Officer Nominations for upcoming 2014 year. Tom asked the Nominees to stand as he called their name. President, Cathy Misko; 1st Vice President/Programs, Laura Fish; 2ndVice President/ Membership, Tanya Fisher; 3rd Vice President/Publicity Chair/Editor, Joli Winer; Secretary, Cindy Connell; Treasurer, Wes Johnston; Auditor, Robert Burns;Librarian, Tom O’Neill; 1st Board Member, Phill Levi; 2nd Board Member, Terry O’Bryan;3rd Board Member, Ed Fisher; Honey Plants, Tom Britz; State Liaison, Dean Sanders;Webmaster, Cheryl Westra. Cathy thanked the Nominating Committee for volunteering for this job.
PROGRAM: Cathy then turned the floor over to Phill Levi, who introduced Dr. Larry Connor, owner of WicWas Press. His topic of Two and a Half Hives: a Lesson in Resource Management, was enlightening and educational stressing the importance of setting goals with your beekeeping. He discussed efficient and effective use of your hives, suggesting many ways to go about attaining your goals. Dr. Larry Conner answered questions following his talk. Cathy and Phill thanked Dr. Larry Conner for sharing his ideas and educational information with us.
According to the recommendations of the Bylaws, Cathy asked the association for any other nominations from the floor for the 2014 Officers; None were given.
Cathy then reminded everyone if they hadn’t signed the register and got a door prize ticket to do so and thanked the suppliers of the door prizes. She thanked everyone for bringing in ‘goodies’ and set up and room return. She shared the title of a scarey story for Halloween, Everything I Never Wanted to Know About the Small Hive Beetle by Past State President Grant Gillard on the NWArkansas website:
Meeting closed at 8:35pm. Followed by food and fellowship. Also for facebook fans, join the Missouri State Beekeepers Face Book Group.
Secretary _____________________________________Date___________________