2014 February Minutes

DATE:  Sunday,  Feb 16th, 2014, at 2:30 at Bass Pro in Independence, Mo.
OPEN:  President Cathy Misko, called the meeting to order and welcomed all, especially new members and/or first time attendees and recognized any other Beekeeping Clubs attending.   Asked if anyone was here from the “Swarm Chasers”.   She asked attendees to introduce themselves to their neighbor and share 1 item you hope to do or address in beekeeping in this New Year.
INTRODUCTION OF OFFICERS/CHAIRS AND REPORTS:  Cathy asked if any corrections needed to be made to the Jan. minutes posted online.  No Corrections,  January minutes filed as posted.  Be sure and check out the monthly club minutes posted on our website @midwesternbeekeepers.org
Secretary:  Cindy Connell back at the registration table and passing out door prize tickets.  Be sure and check out the monthly club minutes posted on our website @midwesternbeekeepers.org.
Membership:  Tanya Fisher also at the back table taking new Memberships and renewal Membership dues.
Treasurer:  Wes Johnston, read the Treasurer’s report.   Filed as read.  Refer to attachment.
Editor:  Joli Winer, Editor and Publicity Committee Chair.
Librarian:  Tom O’Neill, purchased a copy of Ross Conrad’s book, Natural Beekeeping, for the club which is now available for check out.  The second new book available is “Keeping bees in Towns & Cities”, by Luke Dixon.
Webmaster:  Cheryl Westra, announced that we are in the process of updating our website and making available our newsletter, The Beeline, online to our members.  The 2014 membership application has a box to check yes or no to receive your newsletter via email.
Honey Plants Chair:  Tom Britz, no report.
Programs: Laura Fish, responsible for the monthly educational  programs.
Three Board Members:  1st Board Member, Phill Levi
2nd Board Member, Terry O’Bryan
3rd Board Member, Ed Fisher.
State Liaison Chair:  Dean Sanders, keeps us posted of State Issues and assists with Local and State Fair Honey Show entries.
Auditor:  Robert Burns, read the annual audit report .  No corrections.  Motion made to accept as read.  Phill Levi 2nd.  Motion carried.   Annual audit report filed as read.  Refer to attachment January Board of Directors Meeting.
Cathy M. stated that all of these officers and directors are here to answer any questions you may have, just ask.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  Cathy M.  reminded all that membership applications and membership renewals, as well as ordering name tags for $8.00 is at the back table.
NEW BUSINESS:  Cathy M.  announced that the back table had a variety of fliers to sort through with information of upcoming events and information.
Dates to Remember:
BeeSpeakSTL Speaker Series, Saturday, March 1st, 2014.   Featuring  Diana Sammataro, “The Beekeeper’s Handbook”.  Details and registration on back table.
March 8, 2014, is our Midwestern Beginning Beekeeping Class at Burr Oak Woods Conservation Nature Center in Blue Springs, Mo.  Cathy M. said the program has been tweaked and solidified and it looks GREAT.
March 16th during regular meeting time, members are encouraged to bring in and introduce their Gadgets, craftsmen will address “Hands on” Woodenware Assembly and How to Make it Last.  Time will also be allowed to cover your Management Questions you may have.
MO State Beekeepers Association Spring, 2014 Membership Conference, March 21-22 at the Country Club Hotel & Spa, Lake Ozark, Mo.
KS State Conference and Beginning Beekeeping Class, March 14th & 15th, 2014.
3rd Annual Queen Rearing Workshop, May 24th &25th, 2014.  Learn to make Queens with Cory Stevens and Stu Jacobson, certified Master Beekeepers @ ThreeRivers Beekeepers Assn.
Other announcements:  A question from the floor asked what the name of the book for the Beginning  Beekeeping class was and Cathy M. said it was “First Lessons in Beekeeping”.
Artist, Bobbi Walker, presented the club with a beautiful framed graphite masterpiece titled, Bee on a Flower, to benefit the Youth Scholarship Program.
Cathy  M. the asked Laura F. to begin the Royal Presentation  program she had lined up for today’s meeting.  The first speaker Laura F.  introduced was Noland Williams, 2013 Scholarship Student and his presentation of “Bees- Up Close and Personal”.  An interesting power point story about his 1st year as a beekeeper and amazingly…he has not gotten stung yet.
The 2nd speaker was Wanda Johnston, on the “Missouri State Honey Queen Program”.  She explained criteria and responsibilities required of Honey Queens as well as Honey Princesses complete with power point of  the present Honey Queen, Lauren Collins, and the Honey Princess, Erin Mullins,  attending multiple functions  representing Mo State Beekeeper’s.
The 3rd presentation was by Gary Walker, on “Bee Breeds- What is the Difference?”  Very informative and educational.  Complete with a power point and handout to show comparisons between different breeds in order to choose a queen that has the characteristics you would prefer for your Apiary.
The final presenter was Robert Burns, whose power point and lecture was on “Raising Queens”:  A detailed presentation of how to manage this difficult, but rewarding task.  He has been raising his own queens for some time very successfully and shared detailed instructions and techniques to becoming more self sufficient in your Beekeeping.
Each presenter ended with a Question and Answer Session.  Cathy M. thanked Nolan W., Gary W., Wanda J., Robert B., and Laura F.  for such a fine program and remarked that our association is rich is beekeeping knowledge.
With no further questions Cathy M. asked if everyone had registered and had their winning door prize tickets ready.  While preparing for the drawings, Cathy M. asked the membership for a “Show of Hands” for those who could make the meetings if moved to 6:30 when we meet on Thursday evenings beginning in April.  “Show of Hands” who would not be able to make a 6:30 meeting time.   She will announce the decision at a later time.  Due to the incredible increase in area beekeeping interest, Cathy M. asked for membership to consider other possible meeting venues for the Association and to call or email her with ideas.
During door prize drawings, Cathy M. reported a successful turnout at the KC Lawn and Garden Show as a tremendous teaching opportunity.
After the drawings, Cathy M. asked all the 2014 Scholarship Applicants to come up front and introduce themselves before leaving.  Cathy M. thanked those who help set up and return the room after the meeting.  Hearty applause was given from the membership in appreciation.
Meeting adjourned at 4:25.  Youth Scholarship Committee Meeting to follow.