DATE: Sunday, January 12, 2014, at 2:30 at Bass Pro in Independence, Mo.
OPEN: President Cathy Misko, called the meeting to order and welcomed all, especially new members and/or first time attendees and recognized any other Beekeeping Clubs attending.
INTRODUCTION OF OFFICERS/CHAIRS AND REPORTS: Cathy asked if any corrections needed to be made to the Dec. minutes posted online. No corrections, December minutes filed as posted.
Secretary: Cindy Connell back at the registration table and passing out door prize tickets. Be sure and check out the monthly club minutes posted on our website
Membership: Tanya Fisher also at the back table taking new Memberships and renewal Membership dues.
Treasurer: One of our new Officers, Wes Johnston, who has agreed to be our club Photographer also.
Editor: Joli Winer, Editor and Publicity Committee Chair.
Librarian: Tom O’Neill, provides the educational materials for club members to check out. Tom stated he had purchased a copy of Ross Conrad’s book, Natural Beekeeping, for the club which will be available for check out next month.
Webmaster: Cheryl Westra, no report.
Honey Plants Chair: Tom Britz, no report.
Programs: Another new Officer, Laura Fish, responsible for the monthly educational programs.
Three Board Members: 1st Board Member, Phill Levi (not present).
2nd Board Member, Terry O’Bryan(not present).
3rd Board Member, Ed Fisher.
State Liaison Chair: Dean Sanders, keeps us posted of State Issues and assists with Local and State Fair Honey Show entries.
Cathy then asked who are Facebook friends with the Mo State Beekeepers. Little discussion.
She then asked Treasurer, Wes Johnston, to come forward and read the January Treasurer report. No corrections, filed as read.
Auditor: Robert Burns, annual audit report not ready. Will give report at next meeting.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Cathy reminded everyone that it was time to renew membership and could take care of that at the back table with Tanya Fisher. Mentioned back table bargains: Name tags and Bee Pins. We have one 2014 Mo Honeybee Calendar left which will be auctioned off later in the meeting. Monies to go to the Youth Scholarship Program.
NEW BUSINESS: Cathy started the new business with a request from an individual, Sarah Bibens, for some beekeepers to place hives on 44 acres NE of St. Joseph. For more information contact Cathy after the meeting.
Dates to Remember:
January 16th, Taste of AgriMO, Thanks to those who donated honey to take to this. Be sure your Honey’s name is on the container. There is a box up front and at the back table for collection.
February 7-9, the KC Metropolitan Lawn/Garden Show: If you would like to volunteer a shift at the Education Booth contact Cathy.
19th Annual Beginning beekeeping Class-March 8, 2014 at Burr Oak Woods Conservation Nature Center in Blue Springs, Mo.
Check the newsletter for more important dates to jot on your calendars.
Other announcements: Michael Stauffer recommended members check out Net Flix for Documentaries on Bees. He discovered 2, Vanishing Bees and More Than Honey.
Bill George said the North Central Mo Beekeepers Association Club is having a Beginning Beekeepers Class on Saturday the 18th of January. For more info go to their web address
With to further announcements, Cathy asked Laura to come up and introduce the first of her 2 speakers lined up for today’s meeting. The first presentation was from Grace Sanders, a 2013 Youth Scholarship Recipient on “My First Year of Beekeeping“. It was a humorous, but educational power point of trials and errors with positive outcomes on her first year of raising bees. One could tell she is learning well from her mentors and is well on her way to completing her scholarship goals. Laura asked Joli to come up to introduce the next speaker,Ross Conrad.
Ross Conrad’s topic was on, Apitherapy-Healing and Health With Products From The Hive. He covered the healing properties of Honey, Pollen, Propolis, Royal Jelly, Beeswax and Honeybee Venom answering questions from the floor at the end of each subject. A very knowledgeable and renowned speaker, he also brought one copy of his book, Natural Beekeeping, An Organic Approach to Modern Apiculture, which sold immediately, but others could put their name on an order list to receive a copy at the February meeting.
Cathy thanked both speakers for their presentations and asked Laura to come up with her “Questions/Club Answers segment. Laura thanked everyone for submitting questions and hoped it would be helpful.
Cathy then auctioned off the remaining Mo Honeybee Calendar and as everyone had registered and received a ticket it was door prize time. Thanks to all who donated door prizes, set up/clean up the room and Honey donations. While door prizes were being drawn, Cathy reviewed and answered some questions she had submitted to the club last February. Honey bees can fly 15 mph; they do not work in winds >15 mph; their wings beat at 200 bps creating the ‘buzz ’sound; and bees are believed to be able to detect odors up to 1.8 miles away in a still wind.
Meeting adjourned at 4:49.