2014 July Minutes

Midwestern Beekeeper’s Association
July Meeting Minutes
DATE:   Thursday, July 17, 2014 at Graceway Fellowship Hall in Kansas City, Mo.
OPEN:   President Cathy Misko called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.  She gave a big thanks to Graceway Fellowship and our tech support,Andrea Grimwood, and reminded everyone to park on the  West side and use the Main Entrance.  The wheel chair and drop off access is on the South.  For newcomer’s information, the Men’s/Ladies’ rooms are outside the meeting room on the right.  Cathy M.  thanked all attendees for donating  and sharing their harvest with REAP (Raytown Emergency Assistance Program).
Cathy M. asked if there were any new Members and/or anyone here for the first time.  She then requested for a show of hands if anyone had started harvesting honey and asked for reports on moisture content of the honey.  Beekeepers reported moisture content varied from 14% to 22%.  She then invited all to take a few minutes to introduce themselves to their neighbor and share what their focus is this week with their bees.
Cathy M. welcomed the REAP Representative, Holly Grimwood, to come forward and speak about their program.  Holly G. the Assistant Director of REAP, explained the purpose of the program, the benefit to the community and thanked all who donate.
INTRODUCTION OF OFFICERS/CHAIRS AND REPORTS:  Cathy M. asked if any corrections needed to be made to the June minutes posted online.  No Corrections, June minutes filed as posted.  Be sure and check out the monthly club minutes posted on our website @midwesternbeekeepers.org.
Secretary:  Cindy Connell back at the registration table passing out door prize tickets.  Be sure and check out the monthly club minutes posted on our website @midwesternbeekeepers.org.
Membership:  Tanya Fisher also at the back table taking new/renewal Membership dues and has a sign up list for receiving the Newsletter, “The Bee Line”, via your Email
Webmaster:  Cheryl Westra is keeping up with the times with our new Site, the Midwestern Beekeepers Association Facebook page and Twitter.
Programs:  Laura Fish, who has extraordinary vision and brings excellent and interesting monthly programs.
Librarian:  Tom O’Neill, reported the new addition to our library this month is an illustrated children’s book titled “Flight of the Honeybee”, by Raymond Huber.
Board Members:  1st Phill Levi, 2nd Terry O’Bryan(not present), 3rd Ed Fisher.
Honey Plants Chair:  Tom Britz, reported that many honey plants are currently blooming including yellow sweet clover, white sweet clover, white Dutch clover, and milkweed to name a few.  Refer to his article in the newsletter .
State Liaison Chair:  Dean Sanders, who reminded everyone the State Fair dates are August 7-17, 2014.   If you would like to volunteer to help at the Missouri Beekeepers Honey Booth a certain day or time, he has the sign up book with him tonight.
Urban Liaison Chair:  Ezekiel Amador (not present) Cultivate KC tours.
Treasurer:  Wes Johnston, read the Treasurer’s report.   Filed as read.  Refer to attachment.
Cathy M. stated that all of these Officers and Directors are here to answer any of your questions.  At the back table are membership renewals, name tag orders for $8.00 and sign up lists to receive the newsletter by Email, Volunteer Mentor, and Swarm list. Cathy M. encouraged everyone to sign up if possible.    No other unfinished business.
NEW BUSINESS:  Cathy M. announced that the Board has done some shifting.  The Publicity Committee Chairperson/Editor and Auditor have both resigned and the Board has accepted their resignations.  We thank them for their many generous years of service and have continuing respect for their endless beekeeping skill and knowledge.  Moving forward, the Board unanimously elected Janice Britz to serve as successor of the Publicity Committee Chair/Editor for the remaining of 2014.  As with any new position and as we continue to promote our electronic Newsletter, we welcome life’s learning curve and benefits.  We look forward to Janice B. (not present) delivering her first Bee Line edition in mid August.   A round of applause was requested for stepping up to the plate.
Continuing with new business,  Cathy M. asked for volunteers for this year’s Nominating Committee.  Individuals need to understand officer duties and know membership.  Volunteers are Cindy Connell, Dean Sanders, Tom O’Neill, Tanya Fisher and Terry O’Bryan.  Cathy M. then requested a motion to accept the volunteers for the Nominating Committee.  Motion made and seconded.  No further discussion.  A show of hands in favor/opposed was made.  Motion passed.
Cathy M. encouraged all members to consider serving the association with their various talents.  All officers serve 1 year terms except for the office of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Board members which is a 3 year commitment.  Let the Nominating Committee know or email Tanya F., Membership Officer, if you are interested in any of the positions listed on the back of the Newsletter,  especially  if you have bookkeeping/financial skills to serve as Auditor.  Cathy M. notified attendees that this is her last year as President of the Midwestern Beekeeper’s  Association, therefore that position is also open.
August 3,2014:  Midwestern Beekeepers Club auction/potluck picnic/honey show/awards/Scholarship Student Presentations and games at the Graceway Fellowship Hall.  Set up at 1:30, Dinner/fellowship 2:00-6:00.  Dig out your Auction items, Bingo knick knacks, memory sticks with pictures for continuous slide shows, dollars and smiles for fellowship and help out with the Auction.  Please let her know.  She also reminded everyone to bring their honey entries and Dean S. would help arrange to get then to the Mo. State Fair.  Also the Youth Scholarship Raffle is coming to a close.  Winners will be drawn at the picnic.  Remember all prizes are worth >$100 (Framed Bee on Flower by Bobbie Walker, Complete Woodenware Hive by Heartland, and Powell Garden Family Membership/KC Botanical Garden).  We awarded 9 Youth Scholarships earlier this year at $500 each.   These recipients are future beekeepers, scientists, commercial business owners, mentors and maybe food suppliers…a worthy Program to support.
With no futher announcements  from the floor, Cathy M. then turned the floor over to Laura F. for tonight’s programs.   Laura F.  announced that on Wednesday,  August 13 ,2014, there would be a round table meeting addressing  ‘Nuc Initiative’ held in the Bass Pro Conservation Room at 7:00pm.  This meeting is to investigate interest for club members planning on raising nucs with the potential of making them available in the future to members.  This is a meeting of education and interest.
Laura F. then introduced tonight’s speaker, Andy Nowacheck, an experienced beekeeper, presenting his program on “Summer Management.”  He discussed what you should be seeing in your beehives right now and what you should be doing with them to ensure winter survival.  Andy N. also discussed mite and hive beetle management/control and ways to clean and store queen excluders.   He answered questions during and after the program.
Laura F. thanked Andy N. and shared how important the monthly educational programs are.  She then turned the floor back to Cathy M.
Cathy M. asked Robin Dyer to share information about the poetry books titled “The Telling of Bees” by Ronald W. McReynolds, which he had brought and were available for free to attendees at the back table and as door prizes.  She also reminded all to mark their calendars for ‘Fun Day’, June 1, 2015.
Cathy M. stressed the importance of testing for mites.  She shared ways to collect the ~300 bees for testing using the powder sugar method.   With a now adjusted recommendation, more than 2% mites in sample, is an indication you need to treat your bees.  To be part of a mite study (must have at least 4 hives) email Cathy M. if interested.
Cathy M. then announced to be sure and purchase Youth Scholarship raffle tickets for a good cause and that it was time for Door prizes.  She thanked everyone for helping with setting up and tearing down.  She hoped to see everyone Sunday, August 3rd here at 1:30 set up and 2:00 eat.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50.