2014 November Minutes

Midwestern Beekeeper’s Association
November Meeting Minutes
DATE:   Sunday, November 16, 2014 at Graceway Fellowship Hall in Kansas City, Mo.
OPEN:   President Cathy Misko called the meeting to order at 2:36 pm and wanted to take the time to honor all our Veterans.  She asked each Veteran to stand as their branch was called.  Applause was given.  Thank you for your service.  Cathy M. extended thanks to all who donated to REAP this month.  The barrel was located at the entrance to our room.  As this was a different room than we are normally scheduled in, she gave directions to the restrooms.   Cathy M. asked everyone to turn to their neighbor, introduce themselves and share one thing they are thankful for.
INTRODUCTION OF OFFICERS/CHAIRS AND REPORTS:  Cathy M. asked if any corrections needed to be made to the October minutes posted online.  No Corrections.  October minutes filed as posted.  She said she would be creative this month with our Board of Directors introductions since we were voting to re-elect many, and do the introductions during New Business.   At the entrance table was ongoing business of Book sales (1st Lessons in Beekeeping) for $10, sign up lists for Mentors and  Swarm gatherers, Name tag orders for $8, Beekeeping Calendars for $15, and sign up list for an electronic newsletter.  Also Stuart and Nita Dietz are now taking orders for the EZ Nucs.  Although neither is present tonight, watch the website for the next Nuc Initiative meeting date and place your order.
NEW BUSINESS:  Cathy M. told the membership that the Bylaw Amendments that were adopted by the Board on Jan 19, 2014 and posted in the Beeline were ready for a membership vote.  Motion was requested by Cathy M. to accept the Bylaws as posted.  Rick Messenger 1st.  Steve DeCaigney 2nd.  No discussion.  All in favor/opposed.  Motion passed unanimously.
Before introducing/voting on Nominated Board Members, Cathy M. wanted to introduce those members who are spinning off the Board.  2nd Board Member, Phil Levi (not here) and 3rd Board Member, Ed Fisher.  A round of applause was given for both.
As the 2015 Nominated Officers are introduced please if you have a report, share it before a vote is called.
Secretary:  Cindy Connell, at the registration table with an endless smile.  Be sure and check out the monthly club minutes posted on our website @midwesternbeekeepers.org.  All in favor/opposed?  All in favor.
Membership:  Tanya Fisher, takes membership dues and has a sign up list for receiving the Newsletter, “The Bee Line”, via your Email.  All in favor/opposed?  All in favor.
Programs:  Laura Fish, guarantees our important monthly programs.  All in favor/opposed?  All
Publicity Committee Chair/Editor:  Janice Britz (not here) doing a great job putting together the Newsletter, The Beeline.  All in favor/opposed?  All in favor.
Webmaster:  Cheryl Westra(not here), is advancing us via our website, Facebook! and Twitter! All in favor/opposed?   All in favor.
Three Wise Board Members:  1st Dean Sanders (not here).  All in favor/opposed?  All in favor.  2nd Steve DeCaigney.  All in favor/opposed?  All in favor.  3rd Terry O’Bryan(not here).  All in favor/opposed?  All in favor.
Treasurer:  Wes Johnston(not here).  All in favor/opposed?  All in favor.
Librarian:  Tom O’Neill, reported 1 new addition to our club Library this month.  Garden Plants for Honey Bees, by Peter Lindtner.  He said the book named plants blooming by month and their rating as to pollen and nectar.  All in favor of continuing Tom O. as Librarian for 2015/opposed?  All in favor.
Cathy M. asked Laura F. to call for a vote for the President nomination.  Laura F. asked all in favor/opposed for Cathy M. as President.  All in favor.
While Laura F. had the floor, she asked if everyone all in favor/opposed for Cathy M. as Youth Scholarship chairperson.  All in favor.  This is an appointed position.
Cathy M. continued desiring member opinions of the Appointment positions.
Honey Plants Chair:  Tom Britz(not here).  All in favor/opposed?  Approved.
State Liaison Chair:  Dean Sanders(not here).   All in favor/opposed?  Approved.
Urban Liaison Chair:  Ezekiel Amador III (not here).  All in favor/opposed?  Approved.
Nuc Intiative Pilot Program Chair:  Stuart Dietz (not here).  All in favor/opposed?  Approved.
Hospitality Chair:  Rick Messenger.  All in favor/opposed?  Approved.
Cathy M. stated that all of these Officers and Directors are here to answer any of your questions.   They will be sworn into office at the December meeting.
Cathy M. shared a new activity called “Monthly Value Added Meetings which are to be held at Bass Pro and scheduled on an evening week night throughout the year.  This is to address the growth of our club and cover various Midwestern needs and topics.  She asked that members please separate these Bass Pro gatherings from our General Meeting held here at Graceway.
Dates to Remember:
Monday, December 1, 2015 at 7:00pm, a Value Added Meeting will be held at Bass Pro.  This is an evening open to members to share your ideas, gadgets and any cost saving tips you may have.  Watch the Website for updates.
Sunday, December 14,2015 at 2:30.  General Meeting of the Midwestern Beekeepers Association.  Features Award presentations, Stories, Feasting and 2015 Officer Installation program.  Plan to bring dessert, cookies or snacks to share (along with the recipe).  Set up at 1:30.
With no further announcements from the floor, Cathy M. then turned the floor over to Laura F.
Laura F. introduced tonight’s speaker, Dasha Adzhigirey, a General Manager at Bee Technologies, a Lee’s Summit, Mo based family business.  She spoke on “The Benefits of Using Products from the Hive for Disease Prevention and overall Better Health.”   Dasha A. expanded well beyond the typical products we associate from the hive, opening up possibilities and options many were not familiar with, but may want to consider in the future for everyday living.  She answered questions during and after her program.  Thank you Dasha A.
Laura F. turned the floor back over to Cathy M. for meeting closure with door prize tickets drawn.
Meeting adjourned at 4:07.