Midwestern Beekeeper’s Association
September Meeting Minutes
DATE: Thursday, September 18, 2014 at Graceway Fellowship Hall in Kansas City, Mo.
OPEN: President Cathy Misko called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Cathy M. shared her exuberance for the August picnic and Terry O’Bryan’s expertise as an auctioneer. She gave a big thanks to everyone who donated items for the picnic and shared their harvest with the club. She reminded everyone that REAP (Raytown Emergency Assistance Program) will appreciate our continued sharing of food donations in the barrel located in the back of our meeting room and reminded everyone to park on the West side and use the Main Entrance. The wheel chair and drop off access is on the South. For newcomer’s information, the Men’s/Ladies’ rooms are outside the meeting room on the right.
Cathy M. asked if there were any new Members and/or anyone here for the first time. She then requested for a show of hands if their honey is in buckets. 1-5 Gallons? 7-10 Gallons? More? Some beekeepers reported they were still extracting. She then invited all to take a few minutes to introduce themselves to their neighbor and share what their focus is this month with their bees. She encouraged Beekeepers to attend Farmers Markets.
INTRODUCTION OF OFFICERS/CHAIRS AND REPORTS: Cathy M. asked if any corrections needed to be made to the July minutes posted online. No Corrections, July minutes filed as posted.
Secretary: Cindy Connell back at the registration table passing out door prize tickets. Be sure and check out the monthly club minutes posted on our website @midwesternbeekeepers.org.
Membership: Tanya Fisher(not present) takes membership dues and has a sign up list for receiving the Newsletter, “The Bee Line”, via your Email
Webmaster: Cheryl Westra is keeping up with the times with our new Site, the Midwestern Beekeepers Association Facebook page and Twitter.
Programs: Laura Fish, who has extraordinary vision and brings excellent and interesting monthly programs.
Librarian: Tom O’Neill, reported 3 new addition to our library this month. “ Telling of Bees” by Ronald W. McReynolds (poems); “Confessions of a Bad Beekeeper” by Bill Turnbull (What not to do when beekeeping); and “Increase Essentials”,2nd Edition, by Larry John Connor (NUC’S-Management-Wintering).
Board Members: 1st Phill Levi, 2nd Terry O’Bryan, and 3rd Ed Fisher.
Honey Plants Chair: Tom Britz (not present). Be sure and read his article on Honey Plants in the Newsletter.
State Liaison Chair: Dean Sanders, who organizes volunteers and entries from our club at the State Fair Mo. Beekeepers Booth and keeps us informed on the Mo State Beekeepers Facebook. Cathy M. thanked him for all his hard work.
Urban Liaison Chair: Ezekiel Amador (not present) Cultivate KC tours.
Treasurer: Wes Johnston, read the Treasurer’s report. Filed as read. Refer to attachment.
Publicity Committee Chair/Editor: Janice Britz (not here). Cathy M. asked for a round of applause for her first Bee Line.
Cathy M. stated that all of these Officers and Directors are here to answer any of your questions. At the back table are membership renewals, name tag orders for $8.00 and sign up lists to receive the newsletter by Email, Volunteer Mentor, and Swarm list. Cathy M. encouraged everyone to sign up if possible. No other unfinished business.
NEW BUSINESS: Cathy M. asked for Honey Show winners from either the picnic and/or state to please stand. Round of applause. She announced that Jim Fisher was the Mo State Grand Champion again this year and after the judges recounted the points earned from entries per club….Midwestern Beekeepers Association was the Mo State Club Grand Champion this year. Congratulations and good job.
Continuing with new business, Cathy M. asked if the Nominating Committee for 2015 had any announcements to be made. Cindy Connell stated there was not. The tentative List of 2015 Nominated Officers will be announced at the October meeting.
Hector Autry shared some information regarding some Beekeeping products available from several large Manufacturing companies through smaller local Farm Supply businesses in the area.
Dolores Vivian shared some information about an offer through Organic Gardening to receive 6 issues for $6 by visiting www.OrganicGardening.com/honeybees or call 1-800-666-2206 and mention the “honeybee offer”.
Cathy M. announced that she was contacted by an individual in Kansas City, Ks who owns 10 acres (organic)bottom land and is inviting beekeepers to place hives on it. They are willing to pay for pollinators. Ask Cathy M. for more information if interested.
Cathy M. reminded all that the Mo State Fall Conference is coming up October 24-25 in Jefferson City. Highlighted topics are: Queen Rearing, Natural Beekeeping, Long Bar Hives, and Health and Honey Yields . Don’t forget if you attended the Beginning Beekeeping Class..you are a State Member.
She also wanted to share the many opportunities available through Community Outreach to educate young and old about the Honey Bee. Cathy M. is planning on offering an educational talk on what she does, to help you with ideas if you are interested in sharing the knowledge to others. She also had a sign up form for those interested on the back table. Anyone interested in helping at the Bee educational table at the American Royal Sept 9-12, to talk to Cathy M.
With no futher announcements from the floor, Cathy M. then turned the floor over to Laura F.
Laura F. introduced tonight’s speaker, Shannon Holcomb, with the St. Joseph Swarm Chasers and President of Missouri Master Naturalists (Loess Hills Group). His presentation titled The Calendar Behind the Swarm Mentality , detailed from the time a hive decides it wants to swarm until the first new adult appears what happens and exactly when. He provided a Natural Swarm Calendar handout to follow along. His primary message was ‘Listen to the bees’, feel the vibrations, look for motions, and smell new smells. He also spoke on pests and offered suggestions on how to deter them as well as sharing his ‘candy’ recipe. Questions were answered throughout the presentation.
Laura F. opened the floor up for management questions and Cathy M. covered September Management Highpoints which will be posted on line.
Door prizes draws and meeting adjourned.