Midwestern Beekeepers Association
April Meeting Minutes
Date: April 16, 2015, at Graceway fellowship Hall in Kansas City, Mo.
Open: President, Cathy Misko called the meeting to order at ~7:00 thanking all for their thoughtful donations to REAP. Asked if any new members were present or if anyone was here for the first time? Welcome all and gave directions for the Men’s/Ladies’ rooms. Asked for a show of hands if the attendee’s bees have signs of life and are flying. Also asked if members had received their email Beeline this month and explained to those who have chosen to receive their Beeline by USPS that it will be late through no fault of ours and to expect it tomorrow or Saturday. You will notice we are using a Non-for-Profit Permit and will need to gage if there is a long delay with the Standard Rate.
Cathy M. asked attendees to introduce themselves to their neighbor and share if they have installed bees, waiting or if their bees had swarmed. Calls are in that overwintered bees are working on swarm calls even this early, so watch those hives and provide room.
A gracious thank you was extended to the Graceway Fellowship Hall Tech Team headed by Jim Edwards. Board Members donated bee related products to make 2 baskets to show our appreciation.
Minutes: Cathy M. asked if there were any corrections needed on the online March Minutes. No corrections needed/filed as posted.
Introduction of Officers/Chairs and Reports:
Secretary: Cindy Connell at the registration table is selling tickets($1 each) for a Queen Bee raffle to be held at our May 21st general meeting. You could win a Russian, Italian, Carniolan or even a home grown survivor. Also check out the MBA posted online @www.midwesternbeekeepers.org.
Membership: Tanya Fisher takes dues. Please confirm your email address and check your spam.
Webmaster: Cheryl Westra, manages our website.
Programs: Laura Fish announced on Thursday, May 7, 2015 will be a Swarm Program at 7:00pm at Bass Pro given by Bob Brammer. Check website for updates on these beekeeping value added programs.
Publicity Committee Chair/Editor: Janice Britz our Newsletter Editor. Please plug her email into your contacts as she sends out the Newsletter via email.
Librarian: Tom O’Neill announced a new addition to the MBA library for April. Beeswax Alchemy: how to make your own soap, balms, candles, creams and salves from the hive. He has also added a second copy of Garden Plants for Honey Bees to the library.
Three Wise Board Members: 1st Dean Sanders, 2nd Steve DeCaigney, 3rd Terry O’Bryan.
Honey Plants Chair: Tom Britz shared with members some trees and flowers the bees were gathering from at present. Discussion.
State Liaison Chair: Dean Sanders organizes our State Fair Booth. Be sure and check out Mo State Beekeepers Facebook.
Urban Liaison Chair: Ezekiel Amador III (not present).
Hospitality Chair: Rick Messenger.
Nuc Initiative: Stuart Dietz announced Dean S. had brought the EZ Nucs that were not picked up at the meeting the other night, here tonight. Anyone wanting to pick theirs up or purchase one tonight, to see them after the meeting. Cathy M. also thanked Stuart D. for inviting John Speckman to the added value meeting at Bass Pro this month on Non-Grafting Queen Rearing.
Treasurer: Wes Johnston (not here).
Ongoing Business: At registration table there is signup sheets for numerous items/name tag sales/EZ Nuc $9/John and Sue Stained Glass Spinner signup sheet ($25)/Kansas City Registration Forms information….http://kcmo.gov/health/sitemap/
New Business announcements: The Honey Bill is moving right along- continue to communicate with your Representatives in support of House Bill HB 1093 and Senate Bill 500. http:www.senate.mo.gov/15info/comm/agri.htm. Information at table.
April 18, 2015, Saturday, Midwestern will be at the National Agriculture Hall of Fame Grand Opening in Bonner Springs, Ks, with an educational booth.
April 22, 2015, KC Live TV 41 (10:00-11:00). Cathy M. will be airing Live sharing Bee Buzz for “Get Your Green On.”
April 25, 2015, “Get Your Green On” at the City Market (9:00-1:00) MBA will host a Beekeeping Educational Booth.
May 7, 2015, Thursday at 7:00, MBA will have an added value program at Bass Pro on “Swarms”
presented by Bob Brammer.
May 21, 2015, Thursday at 7:00, MBA General Meeting at Graceway Fellowship Hall will be a Silent Auction including the Queen Bee raffle (numerous Queen Bees). Auction proceeds fund the Youth Scholarship Program.
Program: Laura F. introduced tonight’s speaker, Stuart Deitz, with his presentation on “Let’s Make a Split”. Stuart D. is our leader for the Nuc Initiative program and he covered reasoning to have a nuc or two and how to manage them. He demonstrated the whys and hows to make 2 hives from 1 including a video on Bee Installation filmed by Donald Phillips. Following the program Stuart D. and Terry O. answered questions. Stuart D. announced that on May 16th, John Speckman was coordinating a Nuc Making Field Day trip. Watch the website for information and/or details.
Closing: Questions answered and door prizes drawn. Closed at ~9:00. Thanks given to all for assisting with setup and return.